Sunday, April 27, 2008


I got a call from Annette at Mosaic!! I start my new job Tuesday night at 6 pm!! I must say I didn't scream, mom and dad were home but I did run back to my room and jump a few times on my bed.
Today was a pretty good day too, besides the job offer. Woke up and mom was cooking breakfast. I'm glad she cooked the bacon today, it wasn't burnt! Dad worked on the boat some more today, and fixed all the poles that he's going to be taking with them. New lines, and jigs, etc. Mom is organizing the list of all the clothes, groceries, and everything else they might need. She's a big list writer, and it's a good thing too. She's known for always forgetting important items when going on trips. A couple of years ago they went up to Wilson Lake just like they are next weekend, and mom forgot to pack the tent poles for the tent. So they ended up buying this really little three person tent that was just big enough for the two of them. I wish we had a video camera, it was a site to see. We could have been America Next Funniest Video 10,000 dollar winners!
Mom and I went into town to get a few things, and her and I finished emptying out grandmas house. Afterwards, mom bought us some ice cream. She got me a large, but I only wanted a small. I couldn't finish all of it if I tried. Especially after all that hard, long, and hot work. A cold rush of sugar and ice cream isn't quite what I was wanting. Didn't want to make myself sick or anything. Now we're just wanting to have the auction at my great aunts house and we'll put all the stuff from the garage in that auction to sell as well. Then everything will be done!!
Well other then doing all the heavy lifting today it was pretty boring around here. I stayed in the house, it's been windy all day, but sunny which is always nice. Well tomorrow I'm going to just make sure all my stuff is done and I have everything ready to take with me to my first day of work Tuesday. Make sure my clothes I want to wear are ironed and look nice, and see if I can find my clear lip ring, so that I can really make a good impression. I'll have to try and straighten my hair, it's not hard but it just seems to take forever. Well I should have pleasant dreams tonight even without thinking about a cute man, but who knows one or two might pop in there too. lol jk!