Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where's Prince Charming?


LOL! Not that I'm really looking hard, but it would be nice to have someone to call my own. I think that's what most people are looking for. Someone to love and love them in return. I decided that since so many people try to set me up on dates I would compile a list of what I think my Prince Charming should be, like looks, characteristics, among other things. So here goes, and I'll try to us examples and explain my reasoning's, sorry now if you object or whatever but this is me:

  1. Must be white! I'm not racist or anything like that but it's just what I prefer! I grew up in a house and community were inter-racial relationships were frowned upon. True I do have nieces and nephews and cousins are "mixed," and we love them the same. I just don't believe in it.

  2. Must be aged 22-32. I am 22 years old, so I'd like for him to be my age or better, but not exceeding 10 years. I think that past 10 years it just seems creepy and I'm definitely not a gold digger so it's not ever gonna happen.

  3. Must be 5'9" or taller. I'm 5'8" and I've dated shorter guys before, but it doesn't seem or feel right for me to bend down to kiss a man. It seems and feels better to lean up. Plus I there's plenty of short women around I'm sure they could find one shorter then I, since I am kinda tall.

  4. Honesty! I'd like to think that this one is obvious, but you know as well as I that so many people in this world lie, and cheat! I'd like to think that I'm one of the most honest people that there is. I would expect someone to be as equal with me as I am to them. True I've very sarcastic so if you ask me how do I look already knowing that you look great I'll answer OMG you look horrible and I'll probably start laughing. I can't keep a straight face when I'm lying, and my mom always knew if it was me cause either I'd write a letter saying so or just confess. lol! I could never have a guilty conscience.

  5. Nice Smile! Being in health care I know that one of the dirtiest places on the human body is the mouth. Having a nice smile tells me that one he cares about his appearance, and that he has good hygiene. Makes me think if he takes that much care of his teeth, what else does he take good care of.

  6. Good Hygiene! I'd think this is self explanatory, but again it's a must, must, must! Shower, put deodorant on, body spray or cologne, if you wish to shave that cool is not shave trim and comb whatever you got, fix your hair, clean clothes, etc.

  7. Good job. And when I say that I mean a good full time job. To me if you're an adult and working part time, either you best be going to school or something. The first thing I'd think if you told me you worked part time, without going to school, would be OK maybe he's lazy and does commit. If that's the case, what else does he not commit to.

  8. Reliable vehicle. I don't mean it has to be brand new or anything but if you come pick me up and parts falling off, or I got to open the door with pliers, or sit on a bucket cause there's no seat, or have to crawl through the driver's side door cause the passenger doesn't open at all, or there's no seat belts, or anything else. Again doesn't have to be next, but nice and clean. Again, if he cares about his car, what else might he care so deeply about. After all, my car is my baby, so I completely understand.

  9. Own place. I mean no roommate, and certainly not living at home with mom and dad. I know that both of those is a great way to save money, after all look at me right now. But there comes a point when everyone must spread their wings and fly. Besides if you ever want to get intimate with someone it's such a turn off to say keep it down my parents or roommates are in the next room. Bye Bye Bye!

  10. No smokers or chewers! This one is big. I'm allergic to tobacco products and smoke. I did once date a man that smoked and it didn't go well. I don't mind if you do it, it's your body go ahead and get cancer quicker, but I don't like it at all.

  11. No drugs! By this I mean if ya got a headache take Aleve or whatever to get rid of it. Pot, crack, LSD, X, Meth: NO WAY! Not only is it illegal, but so so so so so stupid to do! I have never done a single illegal drug in my life and will never.

  12. Nice arms! This may sound stupid and I'm sure it does. Some girls like butts, or chest, or whatever, but my favorite this has got to be arms! Big arms, not necessarily muscular but big arms. When a man with big arms hugs and hold me tight I just feel all warm and cozy, like I've got a blanket on. It also makes me feel safe. Which every woman wants to feel that her man can protect her from anything.

  13. Take good care of their body. I don't mean they gotta have a six pack or nothing like that, but someone that will eat a salad, and go for walks or whatever. Someone that cares enough about themselves to care about what they look like. Someone that is happy with the way they look, and if you want help or encouragement to change something, it's always easier to do with someone else. I know I have some work to do on my body, but even if I never get to look the way I want, I'm still happy with how I look now, and that's important.

  14. Not too skinny or too fat. This kinda goes along with the last one. But if I see a guy too skinny, my first thought is holy crap man eat something! lol! And if I see a guy that is too fat I think stop eating. lol! The USA is the fattest country in the world and if I see an overweight person most of the time I think, you're not healthy, you need to workout, and you can't be happy like that. And if you're not happy with yourself how can you possibly make me happy. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth. Again, I know I'm not the skinniest, but I know I'm not the fattest either. I'm in the middle, and like Goldie Locks said, just right!

  15. No skin heads or hair longer then mine. My hair is currently to my shoulders, and I know when I had short hair I had to change this, but now that it's growing back out I can add is again. Hair anywhere from 1 inch to no longer then 8 inches. Again, a guy that take care of this appearance has self respect, and shows that he cares. Skin heads to me just look dumb, you have hair why not grow it and let people see. If you're balding and that's why you save or buzz your head so what I'd rather know that. Don't find who you are. After all I never do.

  16. Facial hair. I actually like a man with facial hair. To me it looks good and it makes most guys appear to look older and more mature. They may not act it but at least they look it. lol! Again this goes back to appearance and self respect and care. It's OK if you shave it's till fine, but it's just what I prefer. And if you decide to try to grown something make sure it looks good and groomed. If you've got patches of hair, it doesn't look good.

  17. Glasses. Some may know but I do wear glasses, so that doesn't bother me at all.

  18. Gamers. I don't mind if you enjoy playing video games, but please doesn't expect me to sit over all day and watch you kill yourself a million times. As a child, my parents never believed in game systems. If you had an hour to sit in front of TV exercising your thumbs then you had an hour to feed animals or yard or house chores or in moms case read a book. I don't care to learn so don't try to teach me. Besides I can still of so many better things to do with an hour of time. lol!

  19. Like Christ! I'm very much in love with Christ! I wear a cross around my neck and I have crosses on my walls and I collect angels. I may not always get to church every Sunday, since I work most Sunday mornings but I do read the bible and I try my best to love by it. If you don't like Christ, sorry next please!

  20. Like Kansas Jayhawks! OK they don't have to have KU as their favorite team ever, or big as die hard of a fan as me, but they must be able to friendly joke about them, and no bash them in front of me. Respecting me and my teams shows that you respect me. I'd never trash or disrespect any of their teams. Common courtesy.

  21. Like Ford! Since I drive a Ford, please don't disrespect it with me. Again common courtesy. I stick with American domestics, but they drive foreign that's great. I just won't ever own or drive one.

  22. Likes my music! I tend to like all kinds of music, but my favorite is ROCK! I just want to know that if I'm riding with someone and say they have it on country and I change the station to today's hits. Are they going to be fine with that or are they going to turn the station right back to country? I feel if you have an open mind and aren't set to just the one thing that mean you're a more open and understanding person. Tells me you're more go with the flow.

  23. Like animals! I love animals, and true I may be afraid of some things. Bugs, spiders, snakes, rats, mice, etc. But I still love to look at them from behind pate glass windows. lol! My favorite to own, and all I'd ever own, are big dogs, cats, birds, horses and fish.

  24. No kids, but wants them someday. I think that speaks for itself. I don't have kids but someday it'd be nice. I know there's a lot of single parents out there and I do respect them, but I'm just not willing to date one at this point and time. I do really love kids, I got lots of nieces and nephews, but I'd just like my own. Instead of trying to raise someone else's.

  25. Family orientated! I'm very close to my family, and I'd have to be with someone that has the same family morals and values. It goes back to having respect and being polite. I will say though, momma's boys are actually really good to date. Their mother's taught them respect for women and other people and that's important!

  26. Good Education! I'm not talkin' about a master's or doctoral. I'm talking about at least a high school or GED. I know I'm a college drop out but even though I still had a 3.6 GPA before I quit. I just haven't finished do to financial assistance, since I have to pay out of pocket and nursing school is expensive. But I do work in a place where I love my job and just having a high school degree I think I'm using the best of what I have. It would be selfish and disrespectful for me to expect someone to have something so great when I myself have not yet gotten that.

  27. Cheer me up when I'm down, and make me smile. You gotta have a good personality. I'm normally a very upbeat happy go lucky person, but as with most people I have my days where I'm down and depressed and sometimes it'd be nice to have someone to hold onto and make me forget about my troubles, even if it's for just 5 minutes.

  28. Likes outdoors. I love being outside and being active. Don't ask me why but I actually like going for walks in the rain, I'm not talking about thunderstorms, but nice gentle rain. It's calming and relaxing. Also I love stars at night! I don't know why but I do!

  29. Likes my cooking! I'm actually a pretty good cook. My momma taught me well, so I don't know how many people doesn't like it, but you never know.

  30. Drinking. I'm not a big drinker, but every now and again is fine and I would expect the same from them. If they drink a case every night it's not gonna work. My parents are both in A.A. and it's important to me that I be there for them since they do so much for me. So I'm not a big drinker, plus with my job I don't like to anyway.

  31. Remember's unusual and specials events. Like remembering like if we've been dating for a while and he remembers something unique, like say I had a yellow dress on and spilled pop on it. Birthdays, anniversaries, and stuff is fine to remember. I recently sent out a text that said flashback and the receiver had to reply their first memory they remembered of that person. Josh sent it to me and I forwarded it and replied going to Village Inn to eat Pancakes one morning after he'd been out all night from breaking up with his ex at the time. I was almost amazed at his reply. He told me going to the movies to see Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, going out to eat, and just talking the night away being crazy. I had completely forgot about the movie and it was amazing to me that he remembered that I had sandals, jeans, and a white American Red Cross shirt on. That's AMAZING!!

  32. Buying presents or doing something special. I mean doing this with no motives. No strings attached. Just giving flowers cause it's Wednesday. If you send flower cause you've just cheated, that doesn't count. And if you cheat trust me it will be the first, last, and only time. I don't tolerate cheaters, AT ALL!

  33. PDA! If we decide to date. Hugs, holding hands, and small kisses are OK with me in public. I just don't like it when things look trashy. Keep it clean and respectful. I think that most people would but you never know in this day and age. Some crazy high strung kids that get their patties in a woad. Again keep it respectful.

I think now what I will do is give you an example of what a bad blind date is:

I have to go to see house, someone I've never met and he just happens to live way out in the country, dirt roads and all. I had washed my truck that morning, and it rained the night before, so my car gets muddy. That's fine I guess, just another car wash visit. I arrive and me is in the pasture feed his goats. He tells me that he needs to go pick up his son from the baby sitter and we end up taking his beat up and broken down dodge truck down the another road, I have to hold the door cause it doesn't shut properly, mid summer and no air conditioning. We pick up the kid and head back to the his farm. The kid is bare foot and refused to put his shoes on and goes out to feed goats and cows that live on the property right next to the house. While I'm out there he asked me to come out and help feed and milk the goats and cows. I refused and go sit in my truck. Finally after about 30 minutes he comes and offers me inside for a glass of water, and both he and his son shower. It's now around 8:30 pm we decide it's time to go to town for the evening. I have to drive, and I ask if where to drop the kid off, no where the kid goes with us. But I have a firm no seat belt, no driving rule in my car. The kid who is in the back seat refuses to buckle up, finally after nearly 20 minutes of practically yelling at this kid right in front of his father he caves and puts the belt on. We start heading to town. I thought pizza would be nice so I had already made reservations at Old Chicago, my favorite place to eat! The kid doesn't want pizza, he wants Chinese. That's fine I like Chinese, but I didn't know where one was. Finally after I'd drove around Wichita for what seemed like forever, I talk to kid into eating at a hamburger place on Oliver, next to the bowling alley. Know that Thursdays are league night, my uncle bowls, I thought it'd be nice to see a movie, there was several kid friendly choices. No the kid wants to bowl. We go to Thunder Rock alley on Oliver, of course, no lanes. So I ask for a phone book and called every alley in town. No lanes! He doesn't believe me so he takes the book and calls as well. Finally after a call he looks at me and says there's an alley in Cheney that is open till 11, BTW it's 10 now, that has lanes. I tell him that I know it will closed before he get there and maybe we can just rain check til another day. I drive hi back home, again my car is caked with mud! While dropping him off he tells me to come out tomorrow and help him farm the fields and they go fishing. I told him I had to take care of my niece, he offers to let her come too. I told him that she's a girlie girl and it's not a good idea. I drive so fast away from that place, couldn't get away fast enough. I go to Club Rodeo on Kellogg, and I got pretty drunk that night! LOL! I ended up washing my car at 3 am. The man continued to call me up to two weeks after still wanting to go out again cause he had a good time. THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!!!

A good date to me is really easy. Remember K.I.S.S.! Movies, music, arcade, pinic in the park or zoo, long walk, dinner but nothing to fancy, bowling, even something that is as stupid as just walking around Wal Mart looking at things could be fun. I'd prefer not to go to a bar on a first or second date cause you're still learning that person and what they like and don't. But I do like dancing and singing. I like to smile and laugh and make others do the same so anything fun is always great. I remember hearing or reading once that anything that ever put a smile on your face was never a regret!


Everlasting tales of Joshua said...

Well you have an extensive list going on there nut I admire that you have standards and won't let yourself date someone who doessn't meet these items. BTW you are obsessed with David Cook.