Tuesday, June 10, 2008


OK things have been going pretty well lately. My dad goes back to work next week, if he passes the doctors check up. Mom is still on my back about money, but again I talked with dad and it's my money and the bills are getting paid so, she's calmed down a bit. But the parents went to North Dakota today and I'm happy to be away from them for a few days.
Josh will be here Thursday! I can't wait, it should be fun. Here's what I got planned!
Friday: going to Garden, lunch at the zoo, catch a movie or two, dinner at El Conquistador, home, back a better then sex cake, watch some movies at home
Saturday: go see the Monument Rocks, both of them, visit Steele home, Big Springs, Soldiers fort, El Quartilo, go to town and eat lunch at the Chinese place, and idk from there
I'm really happy, it'll be nice to have a friendly face around. I'm still going to go to Wichita soon to visit! I gotta get outta the sticks.
My friend Kelli from college sent me a text today. She's gonna have a baby!! I'm not supposed to say what sex it is, but I'm so so so so so so so happy for here and her and her husband Justin. She went to doctor cause she'd been having some pain and turns out she was pregnant and is due next month, if not sooner! I went up and talked and caught up with her this evening for a few hours. I told her that I help her in any way that I could, and if she needs anything to just text or call!
P.S. Happy Father's Day to All the dads out there!!
Well here is my songs for now: Jason Michael Carroll- I Can Sleep When I'm Dead James Otto - Just Got Started Lovin' You 10 Years - Beautiful Sixx:A.M. - Life Is Beautiful