Monday, March 30, 2009

Farewell, Joshua!

This is extremely hard for me to write! But certain things have been on my mind and chest and it's time to make my peace, and be done with everything. Be done with you.
I was lying in bed nearly to fall a sleep when I recalled that you and I met just more then a year ago. I was so happy to have such a great, honest, and trustworthy friend. We hung out nearly everyday and with March Madness going on, I couldn't help but recall our game of Pirates of the Caribbean Monopoly while waiting on the Championship game to play on TV. I was so glad to have a friend there to celebrate the victory with me, even if you could care less about basketball. You were there because I had asked to you to come, and I hadn't had a friend sit and watch the games with me since I moved down there three years prior.
When I moved back home, I was so sad that I was leaving all my friends. I know I must have hurt you when I turned down your offer to start dating. Trust me, I never meant to hurt you! You're nice, sweet, hard- working, honest, smart, and funny. But you aren't the right man for me. I knew you as my best friend, and I never wanted that to change! In my past relationships I know that long distance never works, but even if I had stayed I still know my answer would have been no. I'm sorry.
I love that you came to visit me out here in the middle of nowhere. We had fun. And you continued to talk to me nearly everyday, and several times a day even.
It wasn't until I started dating Scott that things started to change between you and I. I know I hadn't changed, so what changed for you? It's like that last glimmer of hope of a relationship between you and I had finally come to an end. You still talked to me, but less and less. Finally when I told you that I had moved in with Scott that all communication seemed to stop. I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that Scott and I have been talking about taking the next step in our relationship. I truly love Scott, and I know he and I are going to have a happy, long life ahead of us. I just sorry now that I can no longer share it with you.
I was truly sorry that you lost your job, but I'm also extremely happy that you found something else. I hope this makes you happy. If it hadn't been for Rion keeping me up to date on you I'd think you had disappeared, like before. I truly hope that never happens again. It scared me so much. I was too far away to do anything, and felt so helpless. I'm glad you were OK. You have a great family that cares, and I know you'll never lose that. I remember when I moved down, I had no friends, and my sister, well you know that's a dead end road. We're so opposite it's insane. If I was scared, or lonely, or even happy and excited all I could do was call and tell them over the phone. It's never quite the same as being comforted in person by someone that loves you just as much as you love them, and that's what family is for. I hope you always remember that, and never lose it either.
Good luck with Daniel's wedding. I'm sure you'll be a great best man. After all you're a great brother. I know you have never liked Dara, but just remember that you don't have to like her, Daniel does. Be happy, that he's happy. Weddings are always a great thing! This wedding doesn't have anything to do with you, it's ALL about Daniel and Dara. I know one day you can find the joy and happiness that those two, and Scott and I, have. The woman will be very lucky! Remember, all good things come to those who wait. I can't tell you how long that will take, but I just know it will be worth it!
In closing I just want to say that I'm so grateful to have had you as a friend. You've made me a better person, and I hope I've had an impact on yours as well. I also want to thank you for introducing me to my best friend, Rion. Without you, I never would have known him. Thank you again for being my friend. I hope you have read this with an open heart and mind. Please don't reply, in any way to this. It's clear we are no longer friends, and I accept that. I wish you only the best, and a life time of happiness and joy! May all your dreams come true!