Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day!

I just wanted to post that I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day! God bless all the men and women veterans and active military personal that have or currently are fighting for our freedoms! You're real heroes!
I saw this video once and thought it was amazing and thought I'd post it today for any and all to see as well.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Catch Up!

Well to brief everyone on what's been going on out here in the sticks here goes!
My dad recently hurt himself at work. I think he's torn one of his ligaments in his leg, but he doesn't think so. He got an MRI on it the other day so I guess we'll see. He can't walk without limping and you can see it through the skin. The doctor we see tried to give him crutches and he told them no, I told him he needs to not walk on it, but what do I know. He's off work til who knows when! He's going stir crazy here at the house, must be where I get it from! lol!
My mom has been going behind my back a lot lately. As you know I work for a company called Mosaic, and I do really love it there. Some of the other locations for this company just happen to be in Texas, and one is down in Central Kansas in Winfield. She lot it would be awesome that after I get my bills caught up to move to Texas and live with my brother and his family while continuing to work at Mosaic. I more or less told her that that's not an option and that I will be moving back to Wichita! She's also mad at me that I took some money from my own account to get some things that I had been wanting. I was under the impression that it was my account and I should be able to do anything I want within reason with my money, after all I get paid Tuesday so whats the big difference I'll be putting it back when I get paid. And I didn't wipe my account out, there's still a large chunk left in there. Speaking of paychecks this is going to be my first big check on Tuesday, so that'll let me know just what my checks should be every two weeks. I must say that getting paid on Tuesdays is kinda weird, but oh well. The next time I get paid it should be the first one that will automatically deposit into my checking account, this should be my last paper check, I think.
Well I was talking to my friend Scott last night and I was pretty bored but he threw me quite a curve ball, and I didn't know exactly what to say so I changed the subject pretty fast. He told me that he was glad that I had moved back and that it was nice cause he hadn't dated anyone in over two years. I was kinda unaware of the fact that we were dating so I changed the subject quickly to my blog, lol! I don't think he reads it so it's cool. Although I kinda wish he would cause then maybe he'd see this and bank out, Down Fido! lol! But I remember before I think I agreed to go to dinner with him Tuesday and go see Sex and The City too. I don't know how, but I'll have to find a safe way to get out of it. I guess I'll have to get an airbag or something. But after his little hotel comment he made, I wouldn't ever do anything with him. I wouldn't have before, but definitely not after that. Speaking of hotels, why is it that all the guys out here think that's the the coolest thing, going to a hotel with a girl! OMG trashy and disgusting! I've met two guys out here, Scott and Justin, and both have said the same thing. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it. I used to be a housekeeper and I know first hand that some of the room some people clean aren't as clean as they claim. They're like a duck on water! I didn't work as one for very long, one I realize I'm too neat and clean to work there, and two my boss found out just found long it took me to clean rooms properly and wanted to call me in every night to clean other peoples rooms that weren't as clean. That's in my opinion bull shit. If they didn't clean the room good enough make them reclean it! But also I got on at FSI full time and I was going to school. I didn't want to do two jobs and school. It's too hard! I know many people do it and I applaud them cause I can't!
Oh well, I'm glad I have as good of friends that I do! I think I talk to Josh everyday, and I'm pretty sure that I talk to the rest of them at least once a week, if not more. At least they can help me keep my wits about me! lol! I know I don't have many but what I do I gotta keep! lol!
I know American Idol is over, but guess what y'all! So You Think You Can dance is starting! What can I say I'm a Fox girl! They had the most amazing popper on there. Mr. Fantasic, Robert Muraine. He gets to Vegas! Y'all have to see this guy in action!
Also this guy is from last season, his name is Bryan Gaynor! He doesn't go to Vegas, but he proforms on the show later on in the season!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

To Do List!

First and Foremost! David Cook is the next American Idol!! Kick ass man! Boy do I know how to pick them!

I was watching movies in my room tonight, with all the storms our satellite dish was a little jumpy, and the power even went out once. But one of the movies I watched was A Walk To Remember. Since Jamie and Landon both have lists for their lives. I thought it would be nice if I made my list for my life. These are not in order for my life.

  1. Get married in the church in Olmitz, KS to a man that truly loves me for me. And meets the list of my prince charming. lol! I don't know a woman alive that wouldn't want to have her "dream wedding" and all that. I guess that's another thing that makes me girly!

  2. Have children. I've always told myself that I'd love to have only boys, but deep down I'd like a girl too. I'm just afraid that if I have a girl she'd be girlu, and since I'm not, that might be hard. But the little dresses, and all that. I loved when my nieces were little buy them all that. But buying cute little boy clothes is awesome too.

  3. Buy a house. At least a three bedroom, two full bath. Two car garage, big yard, lots of flower gardens, front porch with a swing, tall trees, privacy fence, etc. I actually started a list in detail of what I'd want each room to be like and everything. I love decorating, but only as a hobby.

  4. Go back to school to get my CMA and CNA. This I've been wanting to do for a long time, but I have to pay out of pocket and it's pretty expensive. But the company I work for now does a tuition reimbursement program. So hopefully that will help. They may up to $1000 per year for aide so I think if each cost around $300 then I'll have some for books and stuff. Which is the real killer here.

  5. Move back to Wichita! I miss so many people down there it's not even funny! I didn't think I would would miss them all this much! Don't get me wrong I know this is the best thing to do for now, but I can't wait to get back! I guess I shouldn't say this but I do really hate it here. There's nothing for me here. I've always told people that I was a city girl trapped in the country, and moving back now I think it's more true!

  6. Get a motorcycle! I'm not sure what kind I really want, but with the gas prices it'd be so much better. Save money anywhere I can. I'd have to learn how to drive or ride one, but I'm sure I can do that. I would love a fast and loud, but I think the smartest thing would be to have something safer and with some storage.

  7. Lose Weight! I'd like to get down to about 160 pounds. It's gonna take a lot of work but I think I can do it with help. I just need more encouragement from people. But damn it if I want a cookie, I'm gonna eat it. lol! I do do really with for the most part with eating. I like Subway sandwiches, salads from Old Chicago, and I do cook some mean ass baked chicken. I've never really been much for fried foods. Too oily! My friend Josh and I talked about maybe going on The Biggest Loser together! I'd love that and do be able to do it with my best friend would be awesome.

  8. Get more tattoos! As you know there are a few more tattoos that I'd like to get. I just don't have the time or the money to do so yet.

  9. Get more piercings. Not a lot but just a few. I think most of the important people know which ones I want to get done. Again I don't have the time or money to do so yet.

  10. I'd love to retire by age 65. But with the way the economy is and social security is I doubt that I'll have much help from the government. So I'll need to start saving money, or win the lottery! lol!

Well I guess thats all for now, I might add some to it later!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm on a guess a tirade, but of well. As many of you know I am a worker in a home health company that works with special needs persons. Tonight we called my sister, Helen, cause she's pregnant and was getting tests done. The doctors told her from the tests results it looked like she has an 80% chance of having a child that is either mental retarded or developmentally disabled. The only way to be certain of this is to take a sample of the amniotic fluid, which may cause false labor, total labor, or miscarriages. Since the fetus isn't developed enough yet in the womb it's a bad idea because most likely total labor would occur and she'd have a premature child, which surviving would be uncertain, especially if in deed the child is disabled. My brother in law, Justin, is refusing to sign the papers to allow the test and wants to go full term and wait til birth to see if the child is disabled or not. My sister is upset that she's not going to have a "normal" child. I kinda went off on her saying that there's no such thing as a perfect or normal child and if she does has a disabled child that it shouldn't matter and to love it completely, even more. I told her that I work with some of the smartest, kindest, and caring people that I know, and my co-workers are great too! I take care of a man that has an A.A. in psychology. I don't even have that, I only have a high school diploma! The only reason he's in our services is because he has C.P. and can longer completely take care of himself. I got into this field because one I have a cousin that is D.D. and I went to see him once in the poor house and I was ashamed of how the nurses and staff were treating him, I wanted to make a change! Two, and this is the biggest one, I read a book. It was called Petey and written by Ben Mikaelson. I suggest to everyone and anyone to read it. Took me a day and a half to read the first time, and only a few hours to read the second time. I wish I could find a hard copy. But anyway I told her that I've devoted the last 3 years of my life to helping people that it was selfish for her to expect anything less the a child born into a home that is caring, loving, and understanding regardless how the child is. By the end of the conversation she was crying and I yelled at her that I hope she did have a child is disabilities so that she knows just how great they are, and threw the phone at my mom. There is no such thing as "NORMAL" or "PERFECT" and there never will be. God never gives someone more then they can handle.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Day, Another Dollar

Just to caught you up on what has been going on out here in this neck of the woods. I get my first offical paycheck on the 27th, and I'm gonna get a large portion of my bills paid. I would like and had planned on making a trip to Wichita to see some long lost and extrememly over do friends, but after talking with my parents tonight they don't think it's be financial smart to do at this point. Mom is saying this more dad. Dad actually is sticking up for me and said that I needed to go and have my life back, or whatever I can get.

I'm posting this now, but I'll finish it later! Just want a certain person to readt this much so far!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Where's Prince Charming?


LOL! Not that I'm really looking hard, but it would be nice to have someone to call my own. I think that's what most people are looking for. Someone to love and love them in return. I decided that since so many people try to set me up on dates I would compile a list of what I think my Prince Charming should be, like looks, characteristics, among other things. So here goes, and I'll try to us examples and explain my reasoning's, sorry now if you object or whatever but this is me:

  1. Must be white! I'm not racist or anything like that but it's just what I prefer! I grew up in a house and community were inter-racial relationships were frowned upon. True I do have nieces and nephews and cousins are "mixed," and we love them the same. I just don't believe in it.

  2. Must be aged 22-32. I am 22 years old, so I'd like for him to be my age or better, but not exceeding 10 years. I think that past 10 years it just seems creepy and I'm definitely not a gold digger so it's not ever gonna happen.

  3. Must be 5'9" or taller. I'm 5'8" and I've dated shorter guys before, but it doesn't seem or feel right for me to bend down to kiss a man. It seems and feels better to lean up. Plus I there's plenty of short women around I'm sure they could find one shorter then I, since I am kinda tall.

  4. Honesty! I'd like to think that this one is obvious, but you know as well as I that so many people in this world lie, and cheat! I'd like to think that I'm one of the most honest people that there is. I would expect someone to be as equal with me as I am to them. True I've very sarcastic so if you ask me how do I look already knowing that you look great I'll answer OMG you look horrible and I'll probably start laughing. I can't keep a straight face when I'm lying, and my mom always knew if it was me cause either I'd write a letter saying so or just confess. lol! I could never have a guilty conscience.

  5. Nice Smile! Being in health care I know that one of the dirtiest places on the human body is the mouth. Having a nice smile tells me that one he cares about his appearance, and that he has good hygiene. Makes me think if he takes that much care of his teeth, what else does he take good care of.

  6. Good Hygiene! I'd think this is self explanatory, but again it's a must, must, must! Shower, put deodorant on, body spray or cologne, if you wish to shave that cool is not shave trim and comb whatever you got, fix your hair, clean clothes, etc.

  7. Good job. And when I say that I mean a good full time job. To me if you're an adult and working part time, either you best be going to school or something. The first thing I'd think if you told me you worked part time, without going to school, would be OK maybe he's lazy and does commit. If that's the case, what else does he not commit to.

  8. Reliable vehicle. I don't mean it has to be brand new or anything but if you come pick me up and parts falling off, or I got to open the door with pliers, or sit on a bucket cause there's no seat, or have to crawl through the driver's side door cause the passenger doesn't open at all, or there's no seat belts, or anything else. Again doesn't have to be next, but nice and clean. Again, if he cares about his car, what else might he care so deeply about. After all, my car is my baby, so I completely understand.

  9. Own place. I mean no roommate, and certainly not living at home with mom and dad. I know that both of those is a great way to save money, after all look at me right now. But there comes a point when everyone must spread their wings and fly. Besides if you ever want to get intimate with someone it's such a turn off to say keep it down my parents or roommates are in the next room. Bye Bye Bye!

  10. No smokers or chewers! This one is big. I'm allergic to tobacco products and smoke. I did once date a man that smoked and it didn't go well. I don't mind if you do it, it's your body go ahead and get cancer quicker, but I don't like it at all.

  11. No drugs! By this I mean if ya got a headache take Aleve or whatever to get rid of it. Pot, crack, LSD, X, Meth: NO WAY! Not only is it illegal, but so so so so so stupid to do! I have never done a single illegal drug in my life and will never.

  12. Nice arms! This may sound stupid and I'm sure it does. Some girls like butts, or chest, or whatever, but my favorite this has got to be arms! Big arms, not necessarily muscular but big arms. When a man with big arms hugs and hold me tight I just feel all warm and cozy, like I've got a blanket on. It also makes me feel safe. Which every woman wants to feel that her man can protect her from anything.

  13. Take good care of their body. I don't mean they gotta have a six pack or nothing like that, but someone that will eat a salad, and go for walks or whatever. Someone that cares enough about themselves to care about what they look like. Someone that is happy with the way they look, and if you want help or encouragement to change something, it's always easier to do with someone else. I know I have some work to do on my body, but even if I never get to look the way I want, I'm still happy with how I look now, and that's important.

  14. Not too skinny or too fat. This kinda goes along with the last one. But if I see a guy too skinny, my first thought is holy crap man eat something! lol! And if I see a guy that is too fat I think stop eating. lol! The USA is the fattest country in the world and if I see an overweight person most of the time I think, you're not healthy, you need to workout, and you can't be happy like that. And if you're not happy with yourself how can you possibly make me happy. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth. Again, I know I'm not the skinniest, but I know I'm not the fattest either. I'm in the middle, and like Goldie Locks said, just right!

  15. No skin heads or hair longer then mine. My hair is currently to my shoulders, and I know when I had short hair I had to change this, but now that it's growing back out I can add is again. Hair anywhere from 1 inch to no longer then 8 inches. Again, a guy that take care of this appearance has self respect, and shows that he cares. Skin heads to me just look dumb, you have hair why not grow it and let people see. If you're balding and that's why you save or buzz your head so what I'd rather know that. Don't find who you are. After all I never do.

  16. Facial hair. I actually like a man with facial hair. To me it looks good and it makes most guys appear to look older and more mature. They may not act it but at least they look it. lol! Again this goes back to appearance and self respect and care. It's OK if you shave it's till fine, but it's just what I prefer. And if you decide to try to grown something make sure it looks good and groomed. If you've got patches of hair, it doesn't look good.

  17. Glasses. Some may know but I do wear glasses, so that doesn't bother me at all.

  18. Gamers. I don't mind if you enjoy playing video games, but please doesn't expect me to sit over all day and watch you kill yourself a million times. As a child, my parents never believed in game systems. If you had an hour to sit in front of TV exercising your thumbs then you had an hour to feed animals or yard or house chores or in moms case read a book. I don't care to learn so don't try to teach me. Besides I can still of so many better things to do with an hour of time. lol!

  19. Like Christ! I'm very much in love with Christ! I wear a cross around my neck and I have crosses on my walls and I collect angels. I may not always get to church every Sunday, since I work most Sunday mornings but I do read the bible and I try my best to love by it. If you don't like Christ, sorry next please!

  20. Like Kansas Jayhawks! OK they don't have to have KU as their favorite team ever, or big as die hard of a fan as me, but they must be able to friendly joke about them, and no bash them in front of me. Respecting me and my teams shows that you respect me. I'd never trash or disrespect any of their teams. Common courtesy.

  21. Like Ford! Since I drive a Ford, please don't disrespect it with me. Again common courtesy. I stick with American domestics, but they drive foreign that's great. I just won't ever own or drive one.

  22. Likes my music! I tend to like all kinds of music, but my favorite is ROCK! I just want to know that if I'm riding with someone and say they have it on country and I change the station to today's hits. Are they going to be fine with that or are they going to turn the station right back to country? I feel if you have an open mind and aren't set to just the one thing that mean you're a more open and understanding person. Tells me you're more go with the flow.

  23. Like animals! I love animals, and true I may be afraid of some things. Bugs, spiders, snakes, rats, mice, etc. But I still love to look at them from behind pate glass windows. lol! My favorite to own, and all I'd ever own, are big dogs, cats, birds, horses and fish.

  24. No kids, but wants them someday. I think that speaks for itself. I don't have kids but someday it'd be nice. I know there's a lot of single parents out there and I do respect them, but I'm just not willing to date one at this point and time. I do really love kids, I got lots of nieces and nephews, but I'd just like my own. Instead of trying to raise someone else's.

  25. Family orientated! I'm very close to my family, and I'd have to be with someone that has the same family morals and values. It goes back to having respect and being polite. I will say though, momma's boys are actually really good to date. Their mother's taught them respect for women and other people and that's important!

  26. Good Education! I'm not talkin' about a master's or doctoral. I'm talking about at least a high school or GED. I know I'm a college drop out but even though I still had a 3.6 GPA before I quit. I just haven't finished do to financial assistance, since I have to pay out of pocket and nursing school is expensive. But I do work in a place where I love my job and just having a high school degree I think I'm using the best of what I have. It would be selfish and disrespectful for me to expect someone to have something so great when I myself have not yet gotten that.

  27. Cheer me up when I'm down, and make me smile. You gotta have a good personality. I'm normally a very upbeat happy go lucky person, but as with most people I have my days where I'm down and depressed and sometimes it'd be nice to have someone to hold onto and make me forget about my troubles, even if it's for just 5 minutes.

  28. Likes outdoors. I love being outside and being active. Don't ask me why but I actually like going for walks in the rain, I'm not talking about thunderstorms, but nice gentle rain. It's calming and relaxing. Also I love stars at night! I don't know why but I do!

  29. Likes my cooking! I'm actually a pretty good cook. My momma taught me well, so I don't know how many people doesn't like it, but you never know.

  30. Drinking. I'm not a big drinker, but every now and again is fine and I would expect the same from them. If they drink a case every night it's not gonna work. My parents are both in A.A. and it's important to me that I be there for them since they do so much for me. So I'm not a big drinker, plus with my job I don't like to anyway.

  31. Remember's unusual and specials events. Like remembering like if we've been dating for a while and he remembers something unique, like say I had a yellow dress on and spilled pop on it. Birthdays, anniversaries, and stuff is fine to remember. I recently sent out a text that said flashback and the receiver had to reply their first memory they remembered of that person. Josh sent it to me and I forwarded it and replied going to Village Inn to eat Pancakes one morning after he'd been out all night from breaking up with his ex at the time. I was almost amazed at his reply. He told me going to the movies to see Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, going out to eat, and just talking the night away being crazy. I had completely forgot about the movie and it was amazing to me that he remembered that I had sandals, jeans, and a white American Red Cross shirt on. That's AMAZING!!

  32. Buying presents or doing something special. I mean doing this with no motives. No strings attached. Just giving flowers cause it's Wednesday. If you send flower cause you've just cheated, that doesn't count. And if you cheat trust me it will be the first, last, and only time. I don't tolerate cheaters, AT ALL!

  33. PDA! If we decide to date. Hugs, holding hands, and small kisses are OK with me in public. I just don't like it when things look trashy. Keep it clean and respectful. I think that most people would but you never know in this day and age. Some crazy high strung kids that get their patties in a woad. Again keep it respectful.

I think now what I will do is give you an example of what a bad blind date is:

I have to go to see house, someone I've never met and he just happens to live way out in the country, dirt roads and all. I had washed my truck that morning, and it rained the night before, so my car gets muddy. That's fine I guess, just another car wash visit. I arrive and me is in the pasture feed his goats. He tells me that he needs to go pick up his son from the baby sitter and we end up taking his beat up and broken down dodge truck down the another road, I have to hold the door cause it doesn't shut properly, mid summer and no air conditioning. We pick up the kid and head back to the his farm. The kid is bare foot and refused to put his shoes on and goes out to feed goats and cows that live on the property right next to the house. While I'm out there he asked me to come out and help feed and milk the goats and cows. I refused and go sit in my truck. Finally after about 30 minutes he comes and offers me inside for a glass of water, and both he and his son shower. It's now around 8:30 pm we decide it's time to go to town for the evening. I have to drive, and I ask if where to drop the kid off, no where the kid goes with us. But I have a firm no seat belt, no driving rule in my car. The kid who is in the back seat refuses to buckle up, finally after nearly 20 minutes of practically yelling at this kid right in front of his father he caves and puts the belt on. We start heading to town. I thought pizza would be nice so I had already made reservations at Old Chicago, my favorite place to eat! The kid doesn't want pizza, he wants Chinese. That's fine I like Chinese, but I didn't know where one was. Finally after I'd drove around Wichita for what seemed like forever, I talk to kid into eating at a hamburger place on Oliver, next to the bowling alley. Know that Thursdays are league night, my uncle bowls, I thought it'd be nice to see a movie, there was several kid friendly choices. No the kid wants to bowl. We go to Thunder Rock alley on Oliver, of course, no lanes. So I ask for a phone book and called every alley in town. No lanes! He doesn't believe me so he takes the book and calls as well. Finally after a call he looks at me and says there's an alley in Cheney that is open till 11, BTW it's 10 now, that has lanes. I tell him that I know it will closed before he get there and maybe we can just rain check til another day. I drive hi back home, again my car is caked with mud! While dropping him off he tells me to come out tomorrow and help him farm the fields and they go fishing. I told him I had to take care of my niece, he offers to let her come too. I told him that she's a girlie girl and it's not a good idea. I drive so fast away from that place, couldn't get away fast enough. I go to Club Rodeo on Kellogg, and I got pretty drunk that night! LOL! I ended up washing my car at 3 am. The man continued to call me up to two weeks after still wanting to go out again cause he had a good time. THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!!!

A good date to me is really easy. Remember K.I.S.S.! Movies, music, arcade, pinic in the park or zoo, long walk, dinner but nothing to fancy, bowling, even something that is as stupid as just walking around Wal Mart looking at things could be fun. I'd prefer not to go to a bar on a first or second date cause you're still learning that person and what they like and don't. But I do like dancing and singing. I like to smile and laugh and make others do the same so anything fun is always great. I remember hearing or reading once that anything that ever put a smile on your face was never a regret!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Over Due

OK well I know I haven't posted in what seems like forever, but I've been pretty busy. I started working, as y'all know. They first started me as a sub working at the Pawnee location. I really like it there, but the hours did for the most part suck, 11 pm to 7 am. I didn't really mind, but the first night did suck just because I'm not used to being up that long, I know I'm a night owl but that's a long time to be awake. Well I working Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 11-7, and when I got off Wednesday morning I met with my supervisor, Robert. He told me he wanted to put my at a place called Tri-Plex, on El Dorado St. I told him I would prefer to have something more prementant like that since I do travel. It's hard to be a sub or on call when you live so far away, it's not like they can call me and I'm just a drive across town, ya know. I found out my DSM, manager, is named Barb. She's funny, but I've already found out that she does wait til the last minute to get things done, like schedules. I was off last night at 10 pm, and I didn't find out what my schedule was until after 9. I was starting to get worried cause she had called earlier and stated that she was going to be out at 7:30 pm, which didn't happen. But I found out that the schedule I have should be the same. I work, for the most part, Wednesday through Saturday 3 pm to 10 pm, and Sunday 7 am to 3 pm, with Monday and Tuesday off. It'll be nice, to have two consecutive days off, even if they are during the week. I do wish I had Sunday morning off, so that I may attend church, but as the fact my parents can't decide which one to attend. My mother is Catholic, as am I, and my father is Methodist. Most of the time, my parent just choose not to attend, which is fine. My mother, my father too but not as much, is very religionish.
Tonight I have a date with a man named, Scott. I'm kinda excited. He's very sweet. He works at Subway, and he's a manager. He's from Garden, and I actually know him through back in the day high school. He was in debate and forensics. And since I was a nerd, we met a long time ago. I'm gonna meet him after I get out of class tonight. I don't work the homes tonight. He wants to take me to my favorite Mexican place, El Con. He said we might go bowling afterwards. Should be fine especially since I haven't gone out since I moved back. Should be fun, I'm looking forward to it.
Monday especially, I plan on working on the garden. I'm going to try and transplant the evergreen next to the steps to the other side of the garden. Plus, since the bitch is gone, I'm going to go into town and transplant some of grandma's roses and flowers to out here. She really does have BEAUTIFUL flowers, especially roses. After that I think it's about time to start cutting the grass, the ditch is the worst, but it usually only take about 3 hours to get it all cut, the weed eating sometimes does take a while, but idk if I'm gonna do that or not. Cutting the grass and working on the garden is the main important things to do.
Well, it's awfully windy today, I'm glad I'm not working outside, but the drive is going to suck. I did try to straighten my hair for tonight. I just did a quick straighten, so it's not the best but it's not terrible either. It's pretty chilly out today too. I may have to wear a coat today.
BTW, y'all in Wichita. I hope y'all are having fun without me at River Fest. This was going to be my first year to go, but oh well I guess since I've never gone it's not like I'm missing out on anything that I'm really missing. There's always next year.
OMG! I also just found out the JASON MICHAEL CARROLL is supposed to be at the state fair this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not completely obessed with him. I have met him twice and seen him in concert three times. He's so HOT!! Anyway,Josh wants me to go to the fair, and then out and eat at the Yoder bakery. I guess it's supposed to be like the best bakery ever. IDK my momma's rolls are pretty damn good. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Oh, before I forget DAVID COOK is SAFE on Idol! I can't wait, two more weeks and we will know who is the next American Idol! You can guess which one I want!
And if I don't post before Sunday, Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers ot there. I hope you all have a wonder day! You deserve it!

Monday, May 5, 2008

First Day

Today was my first official night or day of working at my new job. It was a lot of fun, and I really like working there. Working the late shift really don't bother me so much, I just have to take some snacks. I ate dinner at around 6 like normal and by the time I got to work at 11 it wasn't too bad, but my 2am! I was a hungry hippo! I told my mom and she's going to buy me some stuff so I start taking some stuff with me. Ya know chips, grain bars, cookies, lunchables, little debbies, crackers, jello, pudding, etc. I gotta find my lunch bucket too. If not I'm sure my dad has one somewhere, mom said she'd look for it later when she got home from her morning route and cleaning the church.
Well I know this is like the shortest post ever in my history, but I'm super exhausted and I think it'd be best for me to get a nice long shower, and a good long nap before I gotta go back into work tonight. So y'all have a great day and good night from me! Peece and Love y'all!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A day to remember

Today I worked a little bit on the garden. Pulling some weeds and watering, trimming flowers and trees. I need to plant some new flowers but depending on which ones could be expensive. I'd rather plant blooming ones, cause seeds take too long but seeds are cheaper. Oh well, all great things come in time. I took the flowers that I trimmed and went to Healy. I placed some on my grandpas' grave and some on my best friend, Clint's', grave. My grandpas birthday is tomorrow. He died when I a freshman. I remember I had a very hard time dealing with his death. He used to call me his Little Soldier. He said I was just as tough, or tougher, then all the boys. I don't like people to see me crying, in my family crying is known as being a sign a weakness, even if I am a girl. And Clint, there's no one like him in the world. He died my senior year. He was my best friend, and I never got the opportunity to tell him that. I would have done anything for him, I loved him more then anyone else in the world. I would have died to have him look at me like one of the other girls in school, but I was only a friend. It's funny, I had planned on going down to see him the weekend after the murder happened and I was gonna try to tell him just how much I loved him. But knowing me it'd just be another weekend of us hanging out like friends. He was and forever will me my lucky charm. In a way I guess I'm searching for the man to be Clint's reincarnation. 6'7", blonde hair, blue eyes, slender but muscular build, smart, funny, and caring. I know that there'll never be any other Clint in this world, so I should stop trying to look for him, and I should stop trying to compare everyone to him. It's just hard to forget your first love. Even if that loved one never knew. Part of me thinks, that through my prayers he knows now, but it's just too late. I know most people that know me know that I'm not shy by any means, but when it comes to love I'm very shy. After what my first boyfriend, Jason, did to me. It's very hard to find a man that excepts me for who I am. I know there should be complete honesty in a relationship, but I'm always worried that if I tell him what happened. He will run away. It happens more often then I'd like it to. It's hard to trust people in today's world.
Anyway back to my day, I bagged some of the chocolate chip cookies that I made the other day, since I made enough to feed a small army. I took some into my grandma and some to my great aunt. I'm sure they each will like them. I then made sure the car was full of fuel and drove to Colby. I talked to Paula and Kelli and they said they each wanted to say hey and have a drink but when I called no one answered, so after eating dinner and cruising around for about 2 hours I decided to just drive back home. I did talk to my friend Ben, he has CP. He worried about his finals, he goes to WSU. I told him he should be fine. He's very smart.
Tomorrow my parents are coming back home, not sure when exactly they'll be back, but if the fishing is good it may be late in the evening. I need to sweep the carpets, and do laundry before they get home. I'm planning on just staying home and not doing much physically tomorrow. After all Sunday is the Lords day, a day for rest and relaxing.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally Friday!!

Well I know I haven't posted since the end of April and I'm sorry for the delay but I was helping my parents get ready for their big weekend away, starting my job and cleaning my house to make sure it was spotless. I'll try to do better. Oh, Happy Belated May Day!
My two very good friends Jason and Joshua were supposed to come out this weekend as well, but do to unforeseen circumstances they both were unable to come out. Jason said it was something with his dad, I don't remember the facts, but I hope all is well with them. I know Jason's dad has been sick for some time now and Jason, being such a great son does do a lot to ensure that all of his family is in the best of care. Great son, and great friend. He does so much for friends too. He works in a lawyers office and I know there are times when he doesn't like his job and that it gets boring, but I always tell him that that can come with any job. Again, I wish him and his family the best of luck and good health! Joshua was going to come too, but he was counting on his government rebate to come out, and he ended up closing an account that the deposit was supposed to go to so the check got returned and they'll issue him a paper check. I know both of them were looking forward to coming out so much, and so was I, but really it's OK and it's not like we can't do this an other time. We'll just have to plan. Josh, if I remember correctly said that he should get his check by the end of the month, and that's when I get mine too. I told him I'll have to check my work schedule and see if it's possible for him to come out. I'm going to use a huge chunk of mine to pay some bills and open a new checking or savings account, but I'm actually wanting to get my naval pierced. I'll probably have to go to Wichita to get it done anyway. So maybe I can save some from that rebate, and start saving some from each of my checks. I talked to my mom and she told me she wants me to save at least a hundred from each check. The rest of this goes to bills and stuff. I'm hoping that I can save enough to get my naval pierced and a few tattoos that I've been wanting to get. I think after my naval I'll be done with the piercings, but I say that every time too. I've wanted to get it for the longest time, but I always thought I was too big or fat before. I now know that it's actually better to get it like this, it's not supposed to hurt as much. As far as tattoos go I've been wanting to get some done for the longest time, but I've never had enough time or money to get them. I want to fix the ones I have first, before getting the new. I think that would be the best option. I want to fill in the tribal heart on my lower back, and cover up the moon and star on my right shoulder. I'd like the cover to be a half moon and half sun with the face in the center. Then I'd like to get A Kansas Jayhawk on my left shoulder, the Eye of Horus on my left wrist on the top, the Breaking Benjamin symbol on my right wrist on the top, a Celtic cross on my back just below my neck with wings that go out by my shoulders, a heart with a four leaf cover with a scroll that says Clint above my heart, and a frog sitting on lilly pad that says Twitch on my right calf, and if I ever have children I know that I'd like to have their names tattooed on me somewhere, but that day is a long ways away.
Tomorrow, weather permitting, I plan on working in the garden. I might go to town and visit grandma. I don't remember when the bitch is supposed to be in town, but if she's visiting grandma I'll just do it later. But regardless I need a few groceries, and to make sure the car is full of gas. I'd like to go to Colby tomorrow night. I don't know what's going on, but I need to get out of the house now while my parents are gone. I was going to go the other night but the wind started to pick up and I didn't want to drive against it. I don't know I might just go to Garden. I'm gonna call Kelli and see if she's up at Colby. That'll be whether or not I go north or south. I planned on eating at my favorite Mexican restaurant, El Conquistador, tomorrow night anyway, and it's in Garden. Well I think I'm done blabbin' tonight. I gotta check the frieplace and get some warm clothes! It's way too cold tonight. Maybe a nice long, HOT bath is just what I need!